First Look

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I did Not Steal Your Boyfriend Rakhi: Shradha

Dearest sister Rakhi,
I am really shocked and stunned on reading your interview to Purba Dutt of the Times of India. I am told that this article was published in many print editions of the Times of India all over the country today. In fact, even my family members read it and phoned me and scolded me. In this article you have accused me of being Abhishek's new girlfriend - this is completely wrong and incorrect. Dearest sister Rakhi, I am NOT DATING OR SEEING Abhishek Awasthi. I have always considered him to be a good friend.Yes, Abhishek has been showering me with a lot of attention and small gifts now and then, but I always thought that he was just being a good friend and a perfect gentleman. Since I am alone and not dating or seeing anybody else, maybe he was just trying to make me feel comfortable. In fact when I came to know about some press reports linking me with Abhishek, I immediately told my good friend and free lance journalist Flynn Remedios (who I think is your Publicist and Media Manager) to talk to the media and even release an official written denial.I have nothing to do with your breakup with Abhishek. If I had any idea that Abhishek was interested in me or interested in dating me, I would have immediately phoned you and informed you about it. You know dear Rakhi that we all need help in this industry. We all need references and tips and Abhishek did help me on a few occasions. Dear Rakhi, I have always admired you. You are one of my role models in the industry. You have achieved so much over the last few years in spite of not having any godfather in the industry or a rich wealthy boyfriend. You have achieved all this by sheer hard work, determination and perseverance.I admire your resilience, tenacity and even your style. Just about a month ago, when I met Flynn Remedios, I told him that I would like to meet you so that we could collaborate on some issues and he said he would arrange a meeting. If you so desire, I can maybe talk to Abhishek and tell him to beg forgiveness and get back to you. You have done so much for him. You have been like a Messiah for Abhishek. I am surprised that he refused to marry you and dumped you.Dear Rakhi, I want to clarify and assure you that I had nothing to do with the problems in your relationship. I have no "relationship" with Abhishek. And if I have done anything wrong unknowingly please forgive me Wishing you a very happy birthday and many, many happy returns of the day in advance.

With love and respect,

Shradha Sharma....

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